Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project #1: Custom Minecraft Server

A few days ago, I was playing on my friend's [vanilla] minecraft server, and I thought about how much better it would be if there were more bukkit like commands, so I downloaded the latest release of MCP, copped the necessary files into it, and then decompiled the code.  After that, it wasn't too hard to start poking around, and I eventually found the code that manages the commands, and the disconnections.  I was able to add a few more broadcasting commands, and as of now I'm working on a more advanced item giving system.

Here are the commands I've added so far:
/broadcast - Broadcast's a message in neon green text
/callofthefox - Special :P
/godspeak - Like broadcast and say, but in purple text

Here's what I've added:
Custom kick messages based off of various disconnection reasons (flying, glitching, hacking)
Custom kick/ban messages based off of console/op commands

Here's what I'm planning to add
Welcome message
Better item spawning
Improved /tell
operator warning messages (TNT, lava)

Bugs to fix:
Still says "_____ left the game" when they are kicked or banned after displaying "____ was ____ from the server"
FIXED Fixing random information coming up when an admin types /kick or /ban
Server is skipping over my item name to item ID conversion code

If you have any suggestions of things I should add, feel free to leave a comment!

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